Jaime Jackson (Bio)



Jaime Jackson
President, Executive Director

Jaime Jackson is a 40-year veteran hoof care professional, author, researcher and noted expert on both wild and domestic horses. A pioneer in the practice of natural horse care, Jaime first wrote of this in the wake of his wild horse studies in the U.S. Great Basin, in his seminal work, The Natural Horse: Lessons from the Wild, released by Northland Publishing in 1992.

Jackson resides in Central California and continues to maintain a trimming and rehabilitation clientele, while managing the AANHCP's official field headquarters near Lompoc, CA, with his colleague and fellow board member Jill Willis. Jackson and Willis also founded and administrate the Institute for the Advancement of Natural Horse Care Practices (ISNHCP), a training program for professional NHC practitioners.

Books by Jaime Jackson

The Natural Horse: Lessons from the Wild (1992)
Horse Owners Guide to Natural Hoof Care (1996)
Founder: Prevention & Cure the Natural Way (2000)
Guide to Booting Horses for Hoof Care Professionals (2002)
Official Trimming Guidelines of the AANHCP (2006)
Paddock Paradise: A Guide to Natural Horse Boarding (2006)
The Natural Trim: Principles and Practice (2012)
The Healing Angle: Nature's Gateway to the Healing Field (2014)
Laminitis: An Equine Plague of Unconscionable Proportions (2016)

Website: www.jaimejackson.com

Email: jacksonaanhcp@gmail.com


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